I notice that a few other bloggers have posted their five year plans and thought I would jump on the bandwagon. However, I don't really believe in making five year plans as so much can change in just one year let alone five years. I think by making a one year plan is more realistic and as I find myself approaching the end of my university life and ultimately contemplating how to find my place in the world.
I am only twenty-two years old so I don't find myself in a big rush to settle down with 2.4 kids and a mortgage just yet. I have always wanted to go travelling but have not had the opportunity as I have either been working or in education and at both times I wouldn't have had adequate amount of money. I speak to my friends of their travelling experiences and find myself incredibly envious. Last year I had planned to complete my Law conversion in London after I had finished my English degree. However, in just one year, my plans have changed.
1. Graduate from University with a 2:1
It is really important to me that I finish university with a 2:1 as it is an extremely respectable degree classification. My depression along with other difficult events has meant that I have found the last three years to be extremely challenging and it would mean the world to me if I achieve this goal. I have worked so hard and hope to reap the rewards. It has additional meaning as I am the second member of my mother's family to go to university.
2. Get on Top of My Depression
I have found myself feeling absolutely hopeless and miserable the past couple of months and it has not been fun. I know I face another challenge alongside completing my degree in the coming months and find it completely daunting but I recognize that it is completely necessary for any future happiness. My doctor has put me on a list for counselling and I am not totally looking forward to it. I find it hard to talk to anyone about my thoughts and feelings and getting to know someone sounds terrifying. I found my previous counselling instrumental to my recover and am an advocate of it, but I still am not welcoming the second round with opening arms.
3. Get Back to Work
Last summer I was unable to get any work - and consequently was almost died of boredom - as "by the way, I'm going back to university in September so... yeah" is not the best thing to say to a potential employer. I worked for a year before I came to university and it was a great experience and made me grow up and mature pretty quickly. Plus, I am looking forward to earning money and not counting down the days until my student loan gets in.
4. See The Cure in Concert
The Cure is my favourite band ever. I absolutely love them and curse that I wasn't born in the 60s so I could see them in their 80s heyday. I have been waiting forever for them to tour and they are performing in London at the beginning of December which coincides nicely with my upcoming Australia trip.
5. Go Travelling in Australia
I have been planning with my friend to spend a year in Australia and I am so excited. I feel like it is the perfect way to spend my time after I graduate. Travelling has always been something which I have wanted to do and as I'm young, free and single I think it is the best time to do it. I know it seems to be a cliché nowadays but I don't think that is necessarily a bad thing. Surely, if it is a popular rite of passage it has some validity? I plan to join my friends, who will be spending September till December travelling in Asia, in Sydney in mid-December so we can spend Christmas and New Year there. We hope to travel to Melbourne in January and start looking for an apartment and work there.
6. Meet New People and Have Great Experiences
Whether it's on my travels or when I'm home in London, I hope to meet as many people as I can and just enjoy myself. After completing my degree I am more than ready to start living my life and for my life to start properly. The adventure begins here!
7. Keep Blogging
Even though I've had this blog for a couple of years I have only been blogging regularly for just over a month and I have really loved it. The past month has been really difficult and blogging has been something I have really enjoyed doing.
8. Buy Loads More Makeup!
Of course this will always be part of any one year plans I make! My unhealthy obsession with makeup will be a life-long love affair...
Thank you for reading! What are your one/two/three/four/five year plans?
And as Peter Pan said...
Rosh x
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