I splurged at Boots the other day (again... goodbye student loan) and bought Maybelline's Colossal Cat Eyes Mascara for £7.99. This is by far the best mascara I have ever bought. It will differ between people but, when I buy mascara, I am looking for a product to elongate my lashes and create a widening effect for the framework of my eyes.
Maybelline's product does just that. I have never had my lashes so long without the use of false eyelashes. I have been using it everyday for the past two months and there is still some product left. This is a cheaper alternative for those of you, like me, who can't afford splashing out £25+ for designer mascara. I definitely recommend this product for those of you who are looking to extend your lashes without the use of falsies.
Cat Eyes Mascara Brush
Colossal Mascara Brush
The same, however, cannot be said for Cat Eyes' bulkier companion Maybelline Colossal Volume Express. The product does essentially do what it says on the tin: your lashes get some volume. Unfortunately, as you assume this is a volumised version of the Cat Eyes Mascara, I was disappointed to see that this product failed to lengthen my lashes. I sometimes use Volume Express in addition to Cat Eyes to create long and thick lashes but no-one wants to spend twice the amount of money than is necessary. This product is good if you are looking for short-ish thick lashes but, if like me, you are looking for a lengthening effect, this product is not worth your effort or money. I shall look into more volumising mascara and advise an alternative.
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